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Dialysis complications

Understanding and Managing Common Complications of Dialysis Treatment.

Dialysis is a life-saving treatment for people with kidney failure. It involves removing excess waste and fluid from the blood when the kidneys cannot perform this function on their own. Although dialysis treatment can save lives, occasionally complications occur. Here are some of the most common complications associated with dialysis treatment and how they can be managed.

  • Low Blood Pressure:

Low blood pressure is a common complication of dialysis treatment. When too much fluid is removed from the blood or the removal rate is too fast, this can occur. Symptoms of low blood pressure during dialysis can include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fainting. In order to prevent low blood pressure during dialysis, the healthcare team may adjust the fluid removal rate or prescribe medications.

  •  Muscle Cramps:

Another common complication of dialysis is muscle cramps. There are two possible causes for these symptoms: too much fluid removal or an imbalance of electrolytes in the blood. Symptoms of muscle cramps can include sudden and severe muscle pain, particularly in the legs. It is recommended that patients take prescribed medications and drink plenty of fluids to prevent muscle cramps.

  • Itching:

An accumulation of waste products in the blood can cause dialysis patients to itch. This build-up can stimulate the release of histamines, which can cause itching. Symptoms of itching can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by a rash or skin irritation. A patient can manage itching by taking prescribed medications, applying moisturizers, and avoiding scratching.

  • Infections:

Patients undergoing dialysis treatment, particularly those with catheters, can develop infections. A bloodstream infection, peritonitis, or pneumonia are three of the most common complications associated with dialysis treatment. Symptoms of infections can include fever, chills, and swelling around the catheter insertion site. It is important for patients to practice good hygiene and follow instructions regarding catheter care to avoid infections.

  • Anemia:

The condition of anemia occurs when there are insufficient red blood cells in the blood. A combination of factors can contribute to this, including the removal of iron and other minerals during dialysis. Symptoms of anemia can include fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Iron supplements, erythropoietin-stimulating agents, and blood transfusions can be prescribed to patients with anemia.

Ultimately, patients with kidney failure must understand and manage the common complications associated with dialysis. Patients should work closely with their healthcare team to prevent and manage complications to ensure the best possible outcomes. Dialysis patients can have a successful and healthy dialysis treatment if they take preventative measures, follow their healthcare team’s instructions, and seek medical attention when needed.


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  1. Proper Nutrition for Dialysis Patients: What to eat and What to avoid.
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